When your friends go to the Dales after reading Grimm…
As a reader of the Grimm Up North series, you've probably realised that Harry's Dales are not quite as peaceful as the real-life region. To demonstrate the perils of this part of the world, some very dear but slightly bonkers friends of mine*, decided to recreate some of the many ways you might come to a sticky end in Grimm country.
*I can confirm, though, that they both made it home OK without any lasting damage of serious infections.
Dry stone walls are one of the Yorkshire Dales' most distinctive features. With over 5000 miles of drystone walls estimated in the Dales alone, it's hardly a surprise that some of them fall into disrepair and get clogged up with all kinds of objects.
Is it the Ure, the Swale, the Wharfe or the Aire? Kevin Costner may have frolicked happily in the buff in Hardraw Force for the film Prince of Theives, but not everyone comes away from the Dales' rivers with a smile on their face.
Bath time? There's no relaxing me-time to be had here though. Rebecca Sowerby is not going to be happy about being called out to another crime scene on a remote Dales farm.
this is hilarious....i love it lol