Grimm in Hawes - 7 October 2023

Well, what an amazing couple of days! Great food, great company and great fun all wrapped in the stunning scenery of the Yorkshire Dales. The weather obviously hadn't got the memo, though! Anyone travelling up to Wensleydale on the Friday had to battle torrential rain and high winds, which resulted in numerous roads in the area being closed due to flooding. Happily, though, everyone finally made it to Hawes in time for the 2 pm kickoff on Saturday (with the exception of Will, who despite car troubles still managed to make it to the book signing on Sunday). It all started with a short meet-and-greet session, where participants were met by my beardy, smiley face and given a goodie bag of Grimm-themed memorabilia. Then I took to the stage to be interviewed by my good friend Marty (who I've known since we were two fresh-faced young'uns just starting out at university). This was followed by a Q&A session where I was grilled by members of the audience on topics as varied as ...